Software Writing and the Intellectual Superiority Complex

Have you ever been reading something something, maybe academic, and had to pause for a moment of language-induced-brain-freeze? This is often followed by a feeling that the effort you’re putting in may not outweigh the insight that comes out! I had one of these moments when reading a book  on software development failures. The piece that caught my mind was:

The postmodernist view of software development explicitly recognises the need for a plurality and diversity of shared responsibilities for all stakeholder groups involved in the development, so that all legitimate relevant views will be heard and incorporated into the problem formulation.

This is comprehensible and grammatically correct but it is just a little too obtuse to flow easily into the mind. You see this sort of thing a lot, particularly in academic circles, and wonder if such passages are more about the intellectual prowess of the author rather than the comprehension for the reader.

As a little experiment I had a go at rewriting it in the way I might if I were writing on this topic (albeit unlikely). See what you think:

Today’s methods favour stakeholders being involved in all aspects of the development process, sharing their responsibilities across the various groups involved. This is a good way to involve relevant views, from different groups, into the problem’s formulation.

I know it’s not a world away from the original but I think it is an improvement. Which do you prefer??

However the author’s passage is not ‘bad’ as such, even though it is a bit long and dense and hence a little hard to digest in one read.

I find myself asking the question; if you were writing a book aimed at helping someone learn, why write it in a way that makes it harder to understand? One answer is that of imposing intellectual prowess though the use of language, otherwise known as the assertion of intellectual superiority.

The issue of intellectual superiority seems quite prevalent in the computer sciences, possibly due to the density of technical language that we have. The breadth of domain specific acronyms and terms offers a great degree of cover to those wishing to bolster their technical position or assert intellectual superiority over others.

Yet even the use of technical language in what appears to be a legitimate context can be ill-advised. The problem is that different people interpret, and react very differently to terms that they do not understand, or maybe have a vague or partial understanding of.

For example junior members of a team will generally seek an explanation for terms they do not understand. However more senior members, management etc, are far less likely to seek similar explanations. Terms they do not understand are more likely to be ignored or partially understood. Even worse, they may be considered with suspicion!

Because of this computer scientists must be wary of their audience. Having empathy for the technical understanding of others allows domain specific terminologies to be decoded into accessible language. Staying on the same technical plain as management is important for useful two way communications to be established. Inaccessible language can damage this relationship. It also plays on a primary fear that management have of technologists, that they are somewhat pompous!

In conclusion, if you are writing a book, think about the reader rather than your ego. If you are talking to your boss, keep it simple and don’t geek them out. They are much more likely to be impressed with a concise and comprehensible comment, set at a level that they understand, than an impressive sounding, if somewhat useless, stream of techno-babble!

Posted on June 11th, 2005 in Blog

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